Formulate winning strategies based on scenarios or megatrends, in turbulent environments filled with great uncertainty. Our expertise, with the support of SocialPort Enterprise, and using the best methodology based on the organization's situation and goals, we were able to build strategic objectives based on scenarios in 6 months.

The SocialPort Academy is a complete and up to date training program on scenario planning methodology, strategic monitoring and the construction and use of mini-scenarios.
Through our training program, SocialPort Academy, it was possible to mentor the Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), Energy research company (EPE), Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, APEX-Brasil, War Collage (ESG), DEPEN, Brazlian Superior Justice Tribunal (STJ), Brazilian Ministry of Health, Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN), Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), among others.
Formulate winning strategies based on scenarios or megatrends, in turbulent environments filled with great uncertainty. Our expertise, with the support of SocialPort Enterprise, and using the best methodology based on the organization's situation and goals, we were able to build strategic objectives based on scenarios in 6 months.

A SocialPort Enterprise™ (SPE) é uma plataforma que permite a execução de levantamentos de informação estratégica. Seus principais objetivos são usabilidade e automação e a plataforma centraliza as ferramentas de prospectiva/foresight e da formulação estratégica, permitindo a execução de várias metodologias consagradas de forma customizada e com acompanhamento em tempo real em nosso dashboard. Ela viabiliza a construção de cenários seguindo metodologias diversas, como a de Godet, GBN, probabilista modificada por tendências, etc. Também apoia processos de Horizon scanning e identificação de megatendências.
Integrado por especialistas e outros convidados, a plataforma atende a diversas necessidades do usuário, oferecendo em nosso dashboard uma interface organizada, explicativa, expositiva e de fácil entendimento. Dentre as metodologias disponíveis na SocialPort Enterprise™, estão:

Allows the construction of a form to be answered, giving the possibility of creating questions of various numerical types, text fields, sliders, percentage, and more.
Monitoring can be done in real time on the dashboard, showing the participants' metadata and grouping all the answers to a question in customized charts for each type of question.
On the dashboard it is also possible to export this data by downloading it in Excel format or by generating an automatic report in Word that extracts all the charts and values compiled from the research carried out.

The Delphi survey is an opinion convergence method that is achieved in a sequence of steps. It refers to carrying out successive research steps, carried out with experts. Its objective is to obtain convergence of opinion regarding numerical values, such as, for example, the probability of occurrence of a future event or future expectations in relation to the value of an indicator. This convergence is stimulated by the median value indicated at each stage by the participants.
At SocialPort, all execution steps seek to speed up results. Therefore, sending invitations, starting new stages and calculating medians are all automatic. Another difference concerns the user experience, as the questions presented are only those that have not yet achieved convergence, reducing the number of questions to be answered at each stage.

Research that aims to identify important events with a high degree of uncertainty. This is done with a numerical scale of importance, with 1 being irrelevant and 5 being very important, and with an uncertainty value converted from the probability of the event occurring.
The research takes place in a single round, in which experts indicate the two values mentioned above for each event. On the Dashboard, de Importance X Uncertainty chart is displayed, in addidtion to charts referring to each event, with all the resulting descriptive statistics.

Research that aims to verify the capacity for direct and indirect interference of event V1 on other events (Vn) that constitute the system object of the study. This is done by filling in a matrix, in which the value of a field corresponds to the ability of a certain event, described in a row, to interfere with the occurrence of other events described in the columns.
The Dashboard presents the Motricity X Dependence chart, the matrix filled with the average of the values obtained from the respondents and a calculator that allows identifying the motricity and dependence values of each variable at higher levels of interference.

The tool aims to verify the degree of influence that each actor has on the variables. This is done by filling in a matrix in which each cell refers to the impact that the actor (column) has on the variable (row).
The result is presented as a ranking of the most influential actors in the system.
The importance of actor analysis is based on the fact that no variable moves or changes the course of its behavior if there is no actor influencing this movement.

A SocialPort é uma rede fechada que conecta pessoas a pessoas e pessoas a conhecimentos de forma fácil, prática e portátil. Ela permite o armazenamento e estruturação de documentos de forma customizável em um repositório e a sua recuperação em formato de feed, dando prioridade para as postagens mais relevantes levando em consideração a fonte, o autor da postagem e a avaliação feita por outros usuários. Postagens que contenham links são identificados automaticamente e o conteúdo da página web é extraído e armazenado em um banco de dados para futuras análises. Além disso, também é possível utilizar ferramentas, em conjunto com a Enterprise, que possibilitam o processamento dos dados da rede para identificação de tendências ou sinais fracos.
A plataforma tem como objetivo gerar e garantir um fluxo de informação de alta confiabilidade e com armazenamento de informação estruturado. Essa plataforma também foi criada com foco em usabilidade e uma boa experiência de usuário, que terão um repositório roco rica biblioteca na palma das mãos.